
TheLasVegasConventionCenterisaconventioncenterinWinchester,Nevada.ItisownedandoperatedbytheLasVegasConventionandVisitorsAuthority.,Itisanimpressivevenuespanning3,2millionsquarefeetandisoneofthecountry'slargestvenues.TheLasVegasConventioncentrehostseventsthroughout ...,Asthenation'sonlyconventioncenterdesignatedasaWorldTradeCentersite,wehavetraditionallywelcomeddozensofthelargestandmostinfluent...

Las Vegas Convention Center

The Las Vegas Convention Center is a convention center in Winchester, Nevada. It is owned and operated by the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.

The World Trade Center Las Vegas

It is an impressive venue spanning 3,2 million square feet and is one of the country's largest venues. The Las Vegas Convention centre hosts events throughout ...

Las Vegas Convention Center

As the nation's only convention center designated as a World Trade Center site, we have traditionally welcomed dozens of the largest and most influential ...

Las Vegas Meetings & Trade Shows

Many of the world's largest and most prominent meetings call Vegas home, thanks to the size, versatility, and amenities of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority

The LVCVA is the official destination marketing organization of Southern Nevada, promoting tourism, conventions, meetings and special events. Signature Events · Careers · Research · Contact Us

Las Vegas Convention and World Trade Center (LVCC)

Upcoming Upcoming Select date. April 2025. Mon ...

Las Vegas Convention Center

Las Vegas Convention Center · 3150 Paradise Rd Las Vegas, NV 89109 · (702) 892-0711.

Las Vegas Convention Center

Well known for its versatility with approximately 2.9 million square feet of exhibit space, 225 meeting rooms (more than 390,000 square feet) and seating ... Convention Calendar & Events · Las Vegas Monorail · Vegas Loop at LVCC

Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Convention Center is the nation's only convention center designated as a World Trade Center site and one of the largest convention centers in the ...